frequently asked questions

How do I know is CBT right for me?
CBT is a therapy form where you would learn to become your own therapist, this is learning to understand and monitor your symptoms. It also includes learning new skills,, such as increasing confidence in social interaction, learning to be more assertive, gaining better control over emotions and thoughts including learning to manage anxiety, anger and other emotions.
How do I know whether EMDR is right for me?
EMDR is a therapy that can be applied with very little language use. There is not much talking in EMDR therapy. It can be applied through drawing or imagining (play and drawing is often used when treating children). EMDR is good for traumas, fears and phobias and some beliefs that form self esteem.
How much does it cost and how long will it take?
Therapy is usually applied to solve a problem and reduce the symptoms. Therapy is usualyy prescribed by a set of sessions that are linked to achieve a goal. Therapy will take as long as these goals are achieved. Mild and very mild problems would take about 4-6 sessions (around £ 600). An average therapy course for a common problem usually takes about 8-12 sessions(around £ 1200). In some cases it can take more sessions but it all depends on the complexity and severity of the problem. CBT is a short term therapy, so usually there are breaks suggested to be had after having about 16-20 sessions. This is good for consolidation learning. Therapy starts with understanding why the symptoms are present, then the goals are set and only after that the learning and changing starts. In CBT, ‘homework’ tasks (practicing new skills), determine how quickly the therapy would work. Evidence shows that if not practicing anything in between sessions then nothing much would change at all. The Positive Mind Practice team is working on putting together treatment course packages for most common problems that many people struggle with. This is useful as it would be at reduced cost.
What to know before getting started?
You don't really have to know anything before, our team is trained to assess appropriately and can guide you throughout. It may be good to read about these different forms of therapy so you know what to expect. In therapy you may choose to have a notebook where you record your recovery and practice your new skills.