Avoiding Stress During the Festive Season The festive season is approaching. This time can cause considerable stress for many, which can dampen the enjoyment of the holidays. But it doesn’t have to be a stressful time!
Returning to Normal – Feeling Worried, Anxious, Excited? As vaccines help to reduce infection rates and the lockdown restrictions gradually begin to be lifted, the reality of returning to normal is fast approaching. Many may be feeling anxious or worried, whereas some may be excited. We explore what causes the different reactions.
How Does CBT Work & Help CBT stands for Cognitive Behaviour (Psycho-) Therapy. Cognition is the mental action, or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding by incorporating one’s own thoughts, beliefs, and images. Pretty much everything that goes through your head is a cognition.
Can Too Much Worrying Make Me Ill? Moderate stress and occasional worrying are normal in life, but as the mind and body are in close contact constantly communicating with each other by chemical messages, too much worrying can affect not just your mind, but also the health of your body.
How to Recognise Depression Depression is an illness that can affect both the mind and body. It is often characterised by a constant feeling of tiredness, sadness, lethargy, and a lack of motivation.
How to Keep your Mind Healthy During Lockdown Due to the pandemic people are being forced to live in isolation, which can put our mental health at risk. Here’s our tips on keeping your mind healthy whilst in lockdown.
CBT, Counselling & EMDR: What’s the Difference? When it comes to seeking self-help to support our mental health, the question of whether one needs a psychologist, psychiatrist, counsellor or coach is often the first stumbling block. Read more to find out what would be best for you.
Therapist Accreditation: What to Look for When looking for a therapist, there are specific accreditation bodies that monitor and assure the high level of practice and qualification standards. Read on to find out exactly what to look for.
Our Top 5 Tips on Managing Panic Attacks Panic attacks can range from low impact to severe and prohibitive and can be scary while they’re happening. Here’s our top 5 tips for managing a panic attack as it happens.